HOLY-FIELD Vineyard & Winery

18807 158th Street
Basehor, Kansas 66007
913-724-WINE (9463)


Be on the lookout, the Grape Faerie
has been spotted in the Vineyard!

Picking Sunday's

   What are "Picking Sundays"? They are a traditional Midwestern harvest event when people from all over gather together to enjoy the unique vineyard experience of bringing in the grape harvest. At Holy-Field, we always enjoy seeing the "picking crews" arrive for another season. We appreciate the efforts of the fine people who help pick our grapes. Their efforts add that special something to the fine wines that we produce.

   Each Sunday is spent harvesting and crushing a different grape. After bringing in the fruit of the vines, our harvesters are provided a free lunch. Please make your reservation in advance so we know how many people to plan on for lunch.

   Picking Sunday's are a Free Event. However, reservations are required for "Picking Sunday's" and the dates fill up fast. We begin accepting reservations after July 1st so check your calendar, give us a call and make your reservations to be a part of this year's tradition. Picking dates are very tentative and depending on the season, may be cancelled and/or a Saturday date or two may be added. Make sure to call the Winery at 913-724-9463 to make your reservation. Families are welcome! In the event of a cancellation you will be notified by phone.

Please see the instructions & social distancing requirements on our Homepage for the Picking Sunday's events in 2024!

 Tentative 2024 Picking Schedule

 August 18th and 25th.

 Sept. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th

 October 6th.

 Dates may be subject to change.

  Please plan to arrive at the winery to check in no later than 8:00 a.m. for Picking Sunday's.